The wBIMc Committee:
Sean is Design Technology Leader at Republic Architecture. Sean has years of experience in both the AEC Industry and in BIM Consulting as an solutions and training specialist. In addition to BIM and BIM technologies, Sean specializes in Architectural Visualization and Building Performance Analysis. Sean helps support and develop processes, technology, and people on BIM projects and enjoys every minute of it.
Sean Usher
Cathy Harron
Cathy is the BIM Manager at SMS Engineering. Cathy has been using BIM for 10 years in the Architectural, Mechanical and Electrical disciplines with a focus on best practices. She's highly experienced in "Just In Time" training for every company that she's worked for and is adept at problem solving. She is a proponent and support for the use of BIM on projects.
David Poole
David is Co-Owner of Total Project Management and has been involved with BIM implementation within organizations for 10 years. David has taken a lead role in the execution of BIM projects as Structural Technologist, Structural Engineer, Project Manager, Owner Advocate and Construction Manager and has extensive hands-on experience modelling Structural aspects of BIM projects. His constant goal is pushing the limits of BIM modelling for better project team collaboration, integration of critical project data, and advancement of Project Management practices through the use of 4D and 5D BIM modelling and the potential links to Facility Management (FM) and Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) to extend the usefulness of the design model past the point of Substantial Completion
Paul Shack
Paul is a Project Superintendent with Nortec Group. Paul has 14 years’ experience in the Electrical industry and has pioneered the BIM aspect within the company. Paul uses BIM as a critical part of planning, collaboration, and pre-fabrication within each project. Paul is excited to see how BIM has changed the industry of construction over the past 10 years and is excited to see what it will bring to the industry in the next 10.
Jon La Plante
Jon is the Construction Modeling Manager at PCL Constructors Canada Inc. in Winnipeg. Jon brings over 10 years of construction experience, which many of those years being involved with Virtual Design and Construction. He has applied BIM technology on some key projects like the Canadian Museum for Human Rights and True North Square.”